ZVEX Vexter Wah Probe

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The Vexter Wah Probe from boutique guitar effects pedal company Zvex is a wah pedal that replaces the standard-issue rocker pot with a proximity sensor that allows for insanely fast wah action. It also packs a built-in Super Hard On for extra volume drive. Zvex’s Vexter line of silk screened pedals feature the exact same tone, feature set, and internal parts and circuits as their hand-painted counterparts. The only differences are the painting process and the price.

Brand: ZVEX Effects


  • Super Hard-On boost knob to set the exact level of boost for driving your wah sound.
  • Mix knob for dialing in the desired wet/dry mix of the effect.
  • Range knob for controlling/limiting the ultra-bright upper range.

Publisher: ZVex

Details: A wah-wah pedal with no rocker pot to wear out, it uses a proximity sensing radio transmitter so you can achieve super fast wah action and chewy sounds (pulling your foot quickly away), and it even has a Super Hard On™ built in so you can drive it to any volume you want. Vexter Series pedals are lower priced, featuring silk-screened art. The parts inside Vexters are identical to the hand painted pedals.

UPC: 855245003367

EAN: 889406820920

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