
ZVex Vexter Silicon Fuzz Factory

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Even fuzz heads who worship at the feet of germanium transistors will be hard pressed to find anything to hate in the Silicon Fuzz Factory’s sound. Boutique guitar effects pedal company Zvex used carefully curated silicon transistors in this vertical fuzz stomp to preserve the original Fuzz Factory’s germanium-powered texture and make it a more stable pedal that can be used in a wider number of situations and locations. Zvex’s Vexter line of silk-screened pedals feature the exact same tone, features, and parts as their hand-painted counterparts. The only differences are the painting process and the price.

Brand: ZVEX Effects

Publisher: ZVex Effects

Details: The Silicon Fuzz Factory contains carefully selected silicon transistors that preserve the classic texture of the original germanium Fuzz Factory while providing temperature stabilization. This means that it can be used in very hot situations such as sunny outdoor stages and under hot lights where germanium fuzzes can change texture as their gain climbs wildly.The circuit is not modeled after any classic fuzz design, but should have been around when Leary was still lucid. Packed with knobs that let you control everything from tight, radically fuzzy sounds that gate off instantly when you stop playing, to intermodulating oscillations that fight for control of your guitar as your notes decay, to shortwave radio sounds, ripping velcro and octave-like fuzz. Although the five knobs are named for the parameters over which they seem to have the most control, they are controls for various operating levels and biases, and basically shape you a personalized fuzz. And yes, folks, like all ZVEX pedals, its as low current as possible to extend battery. ‘On’ current is less than 3 mA on most settings.Silicon Fuzz Factory Controls:Volume: Output levelGate: Squelches noise after end of sustain. Turn to the right to eliminate squeals, hiss, and buzz, stopping just as they disappear, or use to tune in exact feedback pitch. Turning to the left opens gate.Compress: Adds attack characteristic when turned to the left, which gets softer to right, and suddenly pinches tone when all the way right. Also tunes in fat, feedbacky fuzz. Lower the Stability and see what happens to this control.Drive: Increases distortion when used as a normal fuzz and adjusts feedback pitch and tonal thickness. This control becomes meaningless when Compress is all the way right.Stab: Use all the way right. Do not adjust this control below 2:00, unless you like your fuzz soft and squishy. Use to control feedback pitch.Get your ZVex Effects Vertical Vexter Silicon Fuzz Factory Guitar Effects Pedal from Sa

UPC: 855245003664

EAN: 855245003664

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