Way Huge Pork Loin

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Way Huge

The Pork Loin Overdrive by Way Huge incorporates two different tonal pathways that are combined—a contemporary soft clipping overdrive and configured vintage British preamp for clean. The overdrive path features a soft clipped BiFET overdrive gain stage with a passive Tone knob, rounded out by a Curve feature which allows you the liberty to fine-tune corner frequencies. The Volume knob manages the chunks of pork power radiating from its space-age circuitry. Boasting an extensive range of dynamic tones, the Pork Loin Overdrive is arguably the premier overdrive pedal.

Brand: Way Huge

Publisher: Dunlop

Details: The Way Huge Electronics Pork Loin Overdrive Guitar Pedal incorporates 2 distinct tonal pathways that are blended together a modern soft clipping overdrive and a modified classic British preamp for clean. The Way huge Pork Loin roars like a Lion!

UPC: 710137029514

EAN: 710137029514

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