smallsound/bigsound Team Awesome Fuzz Machine

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The Team Awesome Fuzz Machine by Smallsound/Bigsound has been designed for low-end heaviness featuring the capability to slice through a mix to maintain your guitar’s pick attack while yielding an extremely saturated fuzz tone or achieve a mild background fuzz behind your primary keyboard sound. The Team Awesome Fuzz Machine excels at flexibility and fitting in with virtually any instrument in just about any musical setting. The thick, gnarly fuzz is nicely complemented by a quite gritty clean blend that preserves the low end you need.

Brand: smallsound/bigsound


  • Thick, gnarly fuzz.
  • Slightly gritty clean blend which retains all the low end you’d need… plus more.
  • Rough overdrive, howling feedback, clean boost with fuzzy sparkles.
  • Even phase-cancelled signals for pseudo octave-up/weird discordance and everything in between.
  • 9V DC power supply.

Details: From smallsound/bigsound: before i started actually selling pedals, i played in a great band named the Bon Savants. our bassist (dave), for the most part was an always-on-fuzz-guy and used a somewhat clunky and convoluted setup involving around 3 pedals to get his sound. i told him i could simplify things and give him even more awesome toanz and the team awesome! fuzzmachine (or TAFM) was born. the TAFM was designed for low end heaviness with the ability to cut through a mix, to simply keep your guitar’s pick attack while having a really saturated fuzz-tone or just to have a subtle background fuzz behind your main keyboard sound. the TAFM excels at versatility and fitting in with almost any instrument in almost any musical setting. the thick, gnarly fuzz is perfectly complimented by a slightly gritty clean blend which retains all the low end you’d need… plus more. rough overdrive, howling feedback, clean boost with fuzzy sparkles, even phase-cancelled signals for pseudo octave-up/weird discordance and everything in between. you’re either on team awesome… or you’re not. the team awesome! fuzzmachine is a full-range hybrid silicon/germanium fuzz with a clean blend, originally designed for bass players and low-end lovers. a highly versatile pedal ranging from subtle fuzz to heavy rumbles to cutting mid-range gnar, the team awesome! fuzzmachine can find a home on any pedalboard.

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