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Sabbadius Triple Trouble

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If you are big on Stevie Ray Vaughan’s tone, the Sabbadius Triple Trouble pedal is for you! This box of killer tones loads the Texas Red Fuzz, 80 Overdrive Tone, and Mr. White. The Overdrive consists of a Tubescreamer clone with several adjustments to deliver a warmer sound evocative of the classic late 80s sounds, with a sharp Overdrive to move forward and flexible tone control. The Mr. White Booster features a booster pedal raising the MIDs to capture that SRV “color” sound. The Fuzz is a customized Fuzz Face equipped with silicon transistors that simulate germanium transistors.

Brand: Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects


  • Boost selection: Mr white
  • Overdrive selection: 80 Overdrive Tone
  • Fuzz selection: Texas Red Fuzz
  • 15(W)x13(D)x6.5(H)cm
  • Packaged in a silk screened designed zipper bag 9V Regulated Adaptor (Tip Negative)

Publisher: Sabbadius Custom Pedal

Details: A Triple analog pedal with 3PDT switches and 100% all hand wired True Bypass! If you are a trun fan of SRV’s tone this pedal is for you. To put it planly, it is a kick butt box of killer tones! The Overdrive: Consists of a Tubescreamer clone, but with modifications to give a warmer sound like the original and classic sounds from of the late 80’s, but with a sharp overdrive to go forward and a versatile tone control that goes from the deepest bass to the thinnest treble. The Mr. White Booster: It consists in a booster pedal that increases the MID’s to give that SRV “color” sound. The reach and saturation is similar to a Fender Super Reverb and the Dumble amplifiers used by SRV. At the same time it can be used to add color and brightness that is lost when you connect multiple pedals together in a chain on your pedalboard. The Fuzz: This is a modified Fuzz Face pedal with silicon transistors simulating germanium transistors. It has technical specifications tuned from Tommy K. personal useage and sounds very similar to the Texas Red Fuzz SABBADIUS or Square Face (silicon fuzz pedal) created by Cesar Diaz for SRV.

EAN: 4571461200163

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