Sabbadius Oct-Up Fuzz Tone

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The Oct-Up Fuzz Tone pedal by Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects comes in a silkscreened designed enclosure. Starting on the seventh fret, the sound is an octave higher than the original note. Roll your guitar’s tone control to a low position, and the notes are an octave higher and shine ultimately. Preferably, it should be positioned behind a fuzz, overdrive, or distortion pedal for a better octave and greater force. It is a Roger Mayer Octavia kind of pedal utilized by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Vay, Joe Satriani, and several others.

Brand: Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects


  • 3PDT 100% TRUE BYPASS mecinical Switch
  • 9VDC negative center polarized 200ma ( BOSS type adapter)
  • Color: silver grey plate
  • 120mm(L)×80mm(W)×40mm(H)

Publisher: Sabbadius Custom Pedal

Details: Analog distortion pedal oct-up and fuzz. What does this mean? Beginning on the 7th fret the sound is one octave higher than the true note. Turn the guitar’s tone control to a low position and the notes are one octave higher and really stand out. It is recommended that this be placed behind a fuzz, distortion or overdrive pedal for greater force and a better octave; it is also recommended that this be tried in reverse, that is, the distortion, fuzz, overdrive, etc, pedals be placed in front of the oct-up fuzz. With the Drive selector in position 7, the fuzz can be heard with just a little bit of octave, and it keeps on increasing until it is pure fuzz. This is a Roger Mayer Octavia type of pedal that has been used by Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Joe Satriani and Steve Vay among others. Users of this pedal include: Pablo “Sarcófago” Cano (Ratones Paranoicos) among others… Features: 100% True Bypass mechanical footswitch Power: 9VDC battery or 9 volt 200 m.a NEGATIVE center power supply. Dimensions: Length: 120 mm Width: 80 mm Height: 35 mm Approximate weight: 400 grams • Packaged in a silk screened designed box • 9V Battery or Regulated Adaptor (Tip Negative) • Color: Royal Blue

EAN: 4571461200071

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