Sabbadius Custom Black Distortion

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The Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects Black Distortion is an ultra-versatile pedal that you can switch from a booster to a fuzz, passing through the fat booster, distortion, overdrive, treble booster, and fuzz. It leverages a JFET transistor as well as LM308AN or TL061 integrated precision IC. The Black Distortion is a boutique pedal that boasts flexible and classic sounds, capable of providing you with endless sustain in the maximum gain position. Each unit is hand-built and tested for the most excellent tonal production by Nicolas Sabbadin.

Brand: Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects


  • 3PDT 100% TRUE BYPASS mecinical Switch
  • J-FET trnsistor and integrated precision
  • 9VDC negative center polarized 200ma ( BOSS タイプ アダプター)
  • Color: black and semi matt
  • 120mm(L)×80mm(W)×40mm(H)

Publisher: Sabbadius Custom Pedal

Details: Custom hand built one at a time and tested for the best tonal production by Nicolas Sabbadin from Argentina

A very versatile pedal that can be switched from a booster to a fuzz, going through treble booster, fat booster, overdrive, distortion and fuzz, using a J-FET transistor and LM308AN or TL061 integrated precision IC.

This is a boutique pedal with very versatile and vintage sounds, that can give the user infinite sustain in the maximum gain position.

• Color: Black Semi Matte

EAN: 4571461200095

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