Sabbadius 80 Overdrive Tone

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The Sabbadius 80 Overdrive Tone is a pure analog overdrive pedal that gives you an incredibly warm sound and lengthy sustaining singing notes. It can go from a booster to an extreme overdrive with exceptional tone control. The 80 Overdrive Tone creates plenty of force and does not remove the brilliance or color of the sound of your guitar. It also features a true bypass mechanical footswitch. Each unit has been meticulously handcrafted and tested for the most excellent tonal production by Argentina’s Nicolas Sabbadin.

Brand: Sabbadius Custom Pedal Effects


  • 3PDT 100% TRUE BYPASS mecinical Switch
  • 9VDC negative center polarized 200ma(BOSS type adapter)

Publisher: Sabbadius Custom Pedal

Details: Custom hand built one at a time and tested for the best tonal production by Nicolas Sabbadin from Argentina. An all analog overdrive pedal that produces a very warm sound and long sustaining singing notes. It goes from a booster to an intense overdrive with excellent tone control. The “80 Overdrive Tone” produces a lot of force and does not take away the color or brilliance from the sound of the guitar. Features: 100% True Bypass mechanical footswitch Power: 9VDC battery or 9 volt 200 m.a NEGATIVE center power supply. Dimensions: Length: 120 mm Width: 80 mm Height: 35 mm

EAN: 4571461200064

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