Moog Minifooger Delay

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The Moog MF Delay is an all-analog delay delivering 35mS to 700mS of lush, blooming analog repeats. It is articulate and fast at shorter settings. That is suitable for producing classic slap-back sounds with expressive swells as well as plate-verbs. The repeats become darker at medium and long settings, naturally trailing into a unique, beautiful warmth and character. The MF Delay has been built with more than 300 meticulously picked components, including a discrete JFET input stage, four Bucket Brigade Delay chips, and a vintage compander circuit for the ultimate tone and feel.

Brand: Moog

Color: Black


  • True Bypass
  • 700ms of Bucket Brigade based analog delay
  • >22dB of classic drive for boost and color
  • Feedback range from zero to infinite
  • Expression pedal input provides control of Time or Feedback

Details: Minifooger Delay Guitar Effects Pedal. The MF Delay is a 100% analog delay providing 35mS-700mS of rich, blooming analog repeats. At shorter settings, the MF Delay is fast and articulate. This is perfect for creating classic slap-back sounds with expressive swells, and even plate-verbs. At medium and long settings, the repeats become darker, naturally trailing into a beautiful warmth and character not found in other delay pedals. Connect an expression pedal and dynamically control feedback swells, or switch to delay time to create chorus/flange and tape delay effects. The MF Delay was designed with over 300 carefully selected components including four Bucket Brigade Delay chips, a discrete JFET input stage, and a vintage compander circuit for superior tone and feel. Controls TIME – Adjustable from 35mS – 700mS. At shorter settings, delay repeats are brighter and more articulate – perfect for slap-back and plate-style reverb/delay. As you increase the Time, the delay trails become warmer causing sounds to move and decay naturally under each new note or chord. FEEDBACK – Adjustable from a single repeat with no decay, to extended trails that dissipate into a reverb-like state. When pushed past two oTMclock feedback trails swell into infinity. This is an excellent creative tool for making sonic beds and trails where notes decay into a wash of musical noise. Pushed to maximum, the MF Delay will self oscillate. MIX – Allows you to determine the blend between dry and effected signals. At minimum, delay trails are nearly inaudible. This is useful for ghost delays and creating natural room-verb sounds. At maximum, your dry signal is removed completely, which allows the MF Delay to work perfectly in an amplifier effects loop. DRIVE – A pre-delay circuit that provides greater than 22dB of gain to both input and delayed signal. At low ranges it is excellent for creating subtle boost and mild tonal coloration. At middle position the sound becomes more mid-forward and punchy….

UPC: 94922450074

EAN: 94922450074

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