Maxon GE601 Graphic Equalizer

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The Maxon Reissue Series Graphic Equalizer pedal is the ideal accessory for guitarists who need accurate control of the tone of their instrument. Providing +/- 12 dB of boost or cut and covering six meticulously picked frequency bands from 100 Hz to 3.2 kHz, you may utilize the GE601 EQ as a level booster, feedback eliminator, tone filter, or pickup simulator. Maxon’s Reissue Series gives you the classic sonic palette that defined the tones of guitarists over the last three decades. Every model’s circuit is pure analog and housed in a durable chassis.

Brand: Maxon

Publisher: Godlyke Distributing

Release Date: 27-10-2009

Details: The GE601 is the perfect accessory for Guitarists who require precise control over their instrument’s tone. Covering six carefully selected frequency bands from 100 Hz to 3.2 kHz and offering + or – 12 dB of cut or boost, the GE601 can be used as a tone filter, feedback eliminator, pickup simulator or level booster.

UPC: 840433000150

EAN: 840433000150

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