Keeley Neutrino

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Keeley Electronics

The Neutrino guitar effects pedal from Keeley Electronics is one trippy envelope filter. Give it a spot on your pedalboard and you can serve up psychedelic leads, incredible vowel sounds, and responsive, dynamic auto-wahs⁠—all of which are made rich and warm by its classic optocoupler design. The Neutrino features Gain and Peak control knobs, a three-position filter type selector, Low/High frequency range switch, and a side-mounted wah direction toggle for full and flexible tone control.

Brand: Keeley


  • The Neutrino Envelope Filter has a simple set of controls so you explore a wealth of tones with ease.
  • Gain control to set the input level to an appropriate strength so that you can trigger the effect with any type of pickups or instrument level
  • The Filter Selector lets you choose between 3 types of filters to carve out different tones and timbers.

Publisher: KMC Music Inc

Release Date: 17-08-2015

Details: The Keeley Neutrino gives you all the classic, funk, auto-wah sounds and that Jerry-In-A-Box sound. We have used the classic opto-coupler design for a rich and warm depth to the effect.  Envelope filter sound is an effect triggered by your pick attack or strength. The harder you pick, the harder it “wahs”!

UPC: 854295005161

EAN: 854295005161

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