
EBS UniChorus Studio Edition

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The EBS UniChorus is constructed with top-grade analog processing circuitry. It delivers a thicker, warmer, and smoother sounding flange/chorus effect, great for studio and live performances. The pedal output is capable of running in stereo or mono. The UniChorus is perfect for keyboard and bass. It includes a mix level control which let you determine the amount of the effect you want to be combined with the original sound. It features Chorus, Flanger, and Pitch Mod modes, as well as controls for Rate and Depth.

Brand: EBS Sweden AB


  • Analog Signal Processing
  • Flanger, Pitch Mod and Chorus Modes
  • Stereo output

Release Date: 01-10-2015

Details: The pedal is built with the best analog processing circuitry available. This gives a smoother, warmer and fatter sounding chorus/flange effect, useful both for live and studio performances. The pedal output can run in mono or stereo. Under the hood of the UniChorus, there’s a mix level control that let you decide how much or little of the effect you’d like to be blended with the original tone. See the manual for details. The UniChorus was first introduced in 1997. From the 2008 edition improvements added 3 dB higher headroom, higher sensitivity (makes it easier to dial-in) and new analog circuitry with higher dynamics and lower noise, as well as true bypass switching technique. 2015 marks the introduction of the new Studio Edition featuring optimized signal path, new design, new signal relay switching technique, protection against over voltage up to 18V and the possibility to power the pedal with anything between 9-12V DC.

EAN: 7332100030209

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