Caline The Noise

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Any noise in your guitar signal should only be limited to the noise you want to add to it. Cut out any unwanted noises and hums with the Caline CP-39 The Noise, a noise gate pedal that won’t take a big chunk out of both your wallet and your precious pedalboard real estate. Two main control knobs drive the CP-39: a sensitivity knob that dictates at what level the noise gate becomes active and a two-way toggle that lets you choose between a steep volume cut or a smoother, more gradual cut.

Brand: Caline


  • THE NOISE Effect Pedal, is a excellent noise gate pedal,killing the noise without killing your tone.
  • New model from Caline Music Pedal Noise Reduction
  • Input Impedance:1M Ohms Output Impedance:1K Ohms Current Draw:30mA
  • True Bypass effect pedal
  • The NOISE GATE: And the attenuation of the ending tone is very natural.

Publisher: Shenzhen Caline Technology

Details: Product weight: 274g . Package weight: 328g Product size: 11.5 * 6.5 * 5.5cm . Package size: 12.5 * 11.6 * 7.2cm

EAN: 9652657643485

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