AmazonBasics Adds Stompboxes to Its Product Catalog Leave a comment

The private-label brand of e-commerce giant Amazon, AmazonBasics, grew its product catalog to include guitar stompboxes.

Amazon started listing a lineup of seven budget-friendly mini stompboxes this month. The range includes a booster, compressor, delay, distortion, looper, overdrive, and tuner. Except for the delay and looper (which costs $48.16 and $46.02, respectively), the AmazonBasics guitar pedals retail for only $26.75 apiece.

While some consumers cast doubt on the quality of these pedals, others were surprised, including Amazon user Modern Millennial, who said in a review: “I went into this hoping to find a low-quality product… At the end of playing with this thing for a few hours, hat in hand, I admit I was converted.”

“Will it be outperformed by boutiques for certain effect types? Absolutely. Will this pedal succeed in the market place? I’d have to say… Yes. And rightfully so at a product level. Throw away your DOD Grunge pedal and pick up this whole line. It’s right on,” Modern Millennial closed.

In a video, YouTuber Gear Gods shared that he found the brand name Nux on the circuit board.

While affordable mini guitar pedals are nothing new to the guitar realm, Amazon’s move might be indicative of the scale at which consumers are now buying musical equipment online rather than in-store.

Check out the AmazonBasics guitar stompboxes on

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